Fiscal incentives:
- SIFIDE is a tax incentive program that deducts the IRC from the R&D expenses for a company
- Recognition of companies in the technology sectors: If your company is registered as a micro or small enterprise and get this recognition, your employees will get an IRS exempt from their incomes. (according to the criteria outlined in the annex of Decree-Law no. 372/2007)
Financial incentives:
The ANI manages the financial incentives for Portugal 2020. They aim to reinforce the private investment in R&I and collaborative innovation through the introduction of more efficient use and management of public policy instruments for R&D and innovation businesses and to place an economic value on knowledge.
The different types of approved project are found below:
- Co-Development TR&D provides support to co-developed companies that carry out industrial research and experimental development activities.
- Co-development R&D Centres.
- Demonstrators: The agency supports the businesses that come up with a new technological solution with complete and successful R&D activities.
- Mobilizer Programmes: are the strategic R&D projects that integrate technological and innovative aspects to create new products, processes, or services.
- Contractual Amendment Application: It is a support file for contractual amendment applications, which is formalized during the project.
- Research Grant: Managing and awarding a research grant for co-development TR&D and demonstrator projects.
- Payment request-checklist: It is a support checklist made of the documents to send for each payment request submitted during the project.